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Photo of Mariela Monica Montes Argentina

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Coming from a family of grandparents, artists, sculptors both his Mother Maria Gabriela Cultrera, had a vocation as an artist, within the branch of painting, as she was inclined to paint all sorts of objects that wanted to give a little joy, to revive its

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59.06 x 19.69 in
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Coming from a family of grandparents, artists, sculptors both his Mother Maria Gabriela Cultrera, had a vocation as an artist, within the branch of painting, as she was inclined to paint all sorts of objects that wanted to give a little joy, to revive its appearance is much more pleasing to the eye.

From small, Mariela felt art as its own and began to paint all sorts of material, including walls, tables, chairs, floors and even including what was actually painted leaves ... paper itself, the short 4 years of life, said "When I grow up, I'll be Master of Drawing" ... told his mother smiling.

Gradually Mariela grew and seeing that her love of art grew day by day, and noticing a great improvement in his work, his mother began to send to different courses of art. He attended primary school and parallel courses for the world would miss.

There, in that moment, the link was created Art-Mariela, Mariela-Art, very strong indeed.
Everything went through to add color and life to where I went is restless and cheerful girl.

This was how it all began ... and fence if it started because the paint was already part of everyday life. Where she was or was, one was a piece of paper, cardboard, and even including dried tree leaves, painted, written and drawing occasional relief.

· Monica Mariela Montes was born on November 28, 1974, Capital Federal Buenos Aires Province of Argentina.

· 1988 having passed the entrance examination to the National School of Fine Arts, Rogelio Irurtia.

yes "> Among many candidates, with a black pen drive .. and two remained white sheets ... just pray and hope the results, announced at the wall establishment. What joy when they learned the names of prospective art students.

· There he receives 1992 Faculty of Fine Arts, where he began his life as a teacher and manages to have all the dedication available to children.

10pt "> Developing as a teacher in state and private schools and even tipping him his vocation differential in schools, these children as being affectionate with her, that achieves its greatest objective of education.

Attended the weekends to the courts of San Telmo, Pje. Defense and San Lorenzo. As the protagonist of the environment there, in a small art studio.

Then he had the chance to meet Mr. Héctor Monastery, later I would appreciate all your dreams. Hector was student of great Raul Soldi

Learning from it, and beside him, born the first reproductions of Quinquela Martin, Cesareo Bernaldo de Quirós, Pedro Figari.

· 1993 travels first to Italy, where it develops into the academy of fine arts in the city of Catania (the second city Sicily in greatness and importance.) Visiting the great exhibitions, collections, and large houses as the composer Vincenzo Bellini. And the ancient ruins of the Roman Theatre and Amphitheatre.

· 1994 We offer the opportunity to exhibit their works,

Born there, "Arti e Mestieri" her first exhibition in Sicily. Taormina is situated on the coast eastern Sicily, overlooking the Ionian Sea. The city is situated in a prime location, just 200 meters above sea level, lies in natural terraces from where you can admire a beautiful landscape where Etna is the protagonist.

Make a tour around the country, settling in Florence there, attends the "Accademia Europea di Firenze", part of leading groups, presenting and winning prizes.

Ignore, "> · 1996 - his paintings and drawings "seduction tango ", traveling through Spain, on display at the Modern Art Centre in Madrid ...

· "> 1999 - Returns home, where she was born, while some of his works are held by the Gallery North Beach. San Francisco, California. USA.

EN-AR; "> · 2002 - Travel and exhibits in Reggio Calabria, Italy with great success
and numerous public, providing the number of family members she has in this country. (Reggio is located in the exact center of
Mediterranean Sea.)

0in 0in 0pt 39pt; text-indent:-18pt; line-height: 150%; mso-add-space: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 LFO3; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; "> · 2005 - has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions, both National and International.

· 2007 - Has sold some of his works to private collections in Argentina, Italy, Spain and United States.

· 2008 - Argentina, continues to work by private samples.

Went through several different styles and ways of working his painting, which has been and remains a constant in his work.

0in 10pt; line-height: normal; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto "> The development of color in his works, and the outpouring of emotion is strong objective.

Currently working on Flores, a district of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Province and providing education to more small.

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